Hello 2020!

lockdown life Website update

Hello there!

Where has the first half of 2020 gone?! This weekend my little girl turned One and it has truly been the fastest twelve months yet! I had grand plans to have just a few months off when she was born, be back and raring to go for Christmas with a shiny new website....finally 12 months on I am! Family life, new schools, new routines and adventures were planned, I was due to return to the bench in March, then Covid hit! Cue homeschooling and lockdown life!

Baby Beatrice on the Beach, North Yorkshire 

My June baby (Pearl birthstone the lucky girl!)

Despite the trials of lockdown, it has been a wonderful time to slow down, enjoy the simple things and our beautiful surroundings. We are very lucky to take our daily exercise in the park or on the beach, looking for treasures and exploring rock pools. I have a head full of new ideas I cannot wait to realise and share with you.

As you can see, I have a shiny new site! Please be patient if there are any hiccups, I have built it myself on a whole new learning journey! I will be adding to it over the next few months so please check back, or why not sign up below to my mailing list to be the first to receive updates from the Yorkshire Coast!

Silver t-bar Cufflinks with Blue Anchors on beach, Kate Wimbush Jewellery

 Anchor cufflinks

To ease myself back in I am working on a couple of private pieces but as we emerge from the fog I will be starting on a new collection (or two!) and updating some of my current ones. It is fabulous to see some of the wonderful independent shops and galleries are opening up again too!

As we look forward it’s going to be a strange ‘summer holiday’ with some of our usual adventures being limited but as things ease and we adjust to yet another new way of living I’m sure we can still have some fun in the sun!

On the blog I will be sharing with you over the next few months some of the stories and inspiration behind my work, how life by the coast has opened my mind to exploring other methods of working and other snippets of seaside excitement! You can follow me on Instagram too for the latest in lockdown life and weather watching!

Thank you and see you soon!


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